Annotated Bibliography of Institutional Callouts


The Annotated Bibliography of Institutional Callouts was created by Dirt in collaboration with Art + Museum Transparency to serve as a digital resource for archiving and collating institutional and organizational written responses to systemic inequalities in the art world. While we recognize these efforts of organization and institutional critique are in no way new, we believe it is imperative to document and contextualize the momentum of the movement, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the movement for Black lives, as we witness unprecedented numbers of calls for reform across the global art world. This document, in addition to institutional responses, highlights the power of collective, community-oriented response to such a lack of accountability and deep inequities — this includes Instagram accounts, resources, call-out websites, articles, and more.

Where available, we’ve included published dates in order to illustrate both the immediacy of this moment, and the long history of grievances in the Western art world.

Do you have an article, call-out account, website, resource, or more that you’d like to share? Please submit through our Google Form here. All submissions will remain anonymous and we will never publish anyone's personal information alongside a submission. We will update the list once a week.

In Solidarity,
